
 Blog #10


Some challenges that we faced to make our script was scheduling. When we should have been doing our script two of us in our group were on a school trip so it was hard for us to be able to figure out what we were gonna do for the script since me and another girl in my group, Alicia, did not have our laptops. But we ended up figuring it out by letting our other group member, Dana, make the word document, share it to us, and she would put ideas on it, and since we had the word document app on our phones we would check to see if we liked it or we if we could change it to something different, and we would text each other about it. 

We are planning to go to our friend Danas house to film the detective scene and go to a coffee shop called "The Little Coffee Shoppe" to film the scene where the girls are having a conversation. 

But after rereading our screenplay we realized that the conversation between the girls were very natural, so when we start to film we are going to let our friend who is the main suspect and Dana to improvise the conservation a little, by still having the main aspects of the conversation but make it more natural.

We also realized that having the detective call his father will have the film opening being too long and we don't see any importance of it being in it, so were just going to have the detective looking over all the evidence of the case again and the published article of the girl missing. 


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